Embedding Idyll in an existing web page
The following instructions assume you are working in a JavaScript environment that supports importing components from npm. If you prefer to embed Idyll using a script tag, see idyll-embed.
The Idyll runtime is available as a React component, allowing you to embed interactive Idyll content anywhere on the web.
To do this, you must first install the dependencies:
$ npm i --save idyll-document idyll-components
then, add it to your page. If you are already using React, you can include this as a standard component:
import IdyllDocument from 'idyll-document';
import * as components from 'idyll-components';
// An example functional component
({ idyllMarkup }) => {
return (
markup={ idyllMarkup }
components={ components }
datasets={ {} } />;
If not, you'll also need to install react
and react-dom
$ npm i --save react react-dom
and can embed it like this:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import IdyllDocument from 'idyll-document';
import * as components from 'idyll-components';
// You must provide idyllMarkup
// and the container element (a DOM node).
markup={ idyllMarkup }
components={ components }
datasets={ {} } />,
To add additional components:
import IdyllDocument from 'idyll-document';
import * as components from 'idyll-components';
import IdyllVegalite from 'idyll-vega-lite';
const availableComponents = {
IdyllVegaLite: IdyllVegaLite
// An example functional component
({ idyllMarkup }) => {
return (
markup={ idyllMarkup }
components={ availableComponents }
datasets={ {} } />;
The IdyllDocument component accepts the following options:
ast={ast} /* optional, if you want to pass in a precompiled abstract syntax tree instead of markup */
components={components} /* Map of components that may be referenced in markup */
context={context} /* Add custom context hooks (see https://idyll-lang.org/docs/advanced-configuration) for more info */
datasets={datasets} /* Map of datasets that may be referenced in markup */
layout={layout} /* Which layout to use? e.g. "blog", "centered" */
markup={markup} /* String of Idyll markup. Must provide either this OR ast */
theme={theme} /* Which theme to use? e.g. "github" */